Package-level declarations

Client module of Ktor WS Events project - Event delivery extensions for Ktor (Server/Client) over WebSocket protocol.


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data class ClientWebSocketEvent<T>(val id: Identifier, val reference: EventReference, val initiated: UnixTime, val data: T) : AbstractEvent


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val EventReceiverLog: KmLog
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val EventReceivingScope: CoroutineScope
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inline suspend fun <T> DefaultClientWebSocketSession.receiveWebSocketEvent(): ClientWebSocketEvent<T>

Dequeues a frame containing ClientWebSocketEvent and tries to deserialize it.

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inline suspend fun <T> DefaultClientWebSocketSession.receiveWebSocketEvents(crossinline receiver: suspend (ClientWebSocketEvent<T>) -> Unit): Job

Dequeues frames containing ClientWebSocketEvent and tries to deserialize it. Will retry if something went wrong while receiving a frame.

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suspend fun HttpClient.webSocketEvents(reference: EventReference, path: String = Routes.DEFAULT_EVENTS_ROUTE, block: suspend DefaultClientWebSocketSession.() -> Unit)

Opens a block with DefaultClientWebSocketSession associated with the given event reference and optional path.

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suspend fun <R> withRetries(continuous: Boolean = false, onError: suspend (Throwable) -> Unit = {}, block: suspend () -> R)