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A copy of ExportedSequence where elements are DTO. You can utilize convertExportedSequenceToDto to convert ExportedSequence to ExportedSequenceDto.
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typealias ExportedSequenceWithOptionalDto<TEntity, TDto> = EntityWithOptionalDto<ExportedSequence<TEntity>, ExportedSequenceDto<TDto>>
A pair of ExportedSequence represented as an entity and optional ExportedSequenceDto represented as a DTO.
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suspend fun <TEntity : Entity<TEntity>, TDto : Any> DtoConverter<TEntity, TDto>.convertExportedSequenceToDto(exportedSequence: ExportedSequence<TEntity>): ExportedSequenceDto<TDto>
Converts given exportedSequence to ExportedSequenceDto.
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suspend fun <TEntity : Entity<TEntity>, TDto : Any> DtoConverter<TEntity, TDto>.convertExportedSequenceToDtoIf(exportedSequence: ExportedSequence<TEntity>, predicate: () -> Boolean): ExportedSequenceDto<TDto>?
Converts given exportedSequence to ExportedSequenceDto if the given predicate matches. Returns null